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Wellbeing for Your Home

Heyworth Gordon

May is a time to grasp the day. Both mornings and evenings are long, light and inviting. Go slow but try to embrace every day as a fresh beginning.

For you and your home it is a chance to go deeper into a spring clean and a seasonal declutter.

Seasonal decluttering is a great way to spread decluttering projects throughout the year.

· It allows you to get rid of things you did not need or use last season, while its still somewhat fresh in your mind.

· It allows you to be more organized for the current season

· And it can help you prevent unnecessary purchases for things you forgot you already have one of.

Make room for the good in your life. A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. With this mindset in place this month I am going to give you some top tips for doing the seasonal rotation in your wardrobe from A/W to S/S.

Your wardrobe in May I should imagine is still full of heavy knits but shows the signs of a few days of hot weather, so also houses t-shirts, a floral dress and some lighter knits. This mash of seasonal clothes can make us feel overwhelmed. But do not despair, with some top tips at hand you can tackle this task from thought to finish so that you start every morning looking at your clothes and feeling inspired ( even if it is pulling out the lounge-wear again!)

Having a easy to live with and maintain-able wardrobe is such a peaceful, sustainable part of creating a happy home, that works for you and not against you.

So start with a pause in front of your wardrobe. Practice the pause.

“ Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is”

If you have a wardrobe of clothes that “ one day I will fit in, when I lose the baby fat”, memory clothes that remind you of another you, clothes you have brought but are still tagged on as they were a guilty-purchase, then everyday when you open your wardrobe you are reminded of an unhappy you. If any of these resonate with you, or its just got itself into a shocking mess, its time to sort it out

Start from the beginning

Take everything out of your wardrobe. Yes, everything. Pile your clothes on the bed in one big heap, ready for sorting. Put them into piles based around the below categories:

· Things you’ve never worn, label intact!

· Items that have not been worn for a year

· Things you hope to wear again some day

· Clothes that are uncomfortable

· Items that are ill-fitting

Or if it is easier for your mind flow, separate your clothes into different piles – gym clothes; workwear; weekend clothes and evening wear. Then arrange each into colours. So your jeans could be sorted into blue, white and black denim for instance.’

When decluttering your wardrobe, be realistic about an item if it no longer fits. If it’s new, why not sell it on eBay? Or, it may be better off finding a new home via a charity shop.

For each item, ask yourself – Do I love it? Do I wear it? Do I need it? If your answer to any of these three questions is no’, it’s time to let go.


“ Doing things is not the same as getting them done”

Once empty clean your wardrobe or drawers, wiping down all surfaces with a damp cloth. Sort hangers into a good order and chuck out any broken or cheap wire ones. Give the wardrobe a good vacuum to rid it of any lurking fluff.

Once your clothes are organised, it’s the fun part…putting them back into your wardrobe and drawers. Make sure the pieces you wear most often are easily accessible.

Your seasonal clothing should be properly washed and folded before being packed away for several months. For your more delicate items, round everything up for a visit to your dry cleaner.

Always use clean plastic storage containers/bins with secure lids instead of cardboard boxes for your seasonal clothes storage. Be sure to label them in order to make finding things easier. Or use your empty suitcases.

Delicates and any clothing or textiles you own that might be described as “puffy” or “fluffy” should be off-limits from vacuum sealing. Here are some examples:

bulky winter coats and down jackets * towels * winter gloves * comforters * pillows * leather products * sleeping bags * anything made from wool, cashmere, or silk

Put some music on, and enjoy the process. This task is much better done in the morning so you are not overwhelmed by end of day decision fatigue.

“ The secret of great style is to feel good in what you wear”

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